Exploring Creativity Through Intuitive Painting Workshop
For many of us it is difficult to just let go and create something. We are afraid of how others will judge our product or how harshly we may judge ourself. We often attempt to control our creation by making a pleasing painting, something that appears to have meaning, or we choose subjects, colors and forms that we think people will admire. But by tightly controlling our creative process, based on our fears, judgements and doubts, we are blocking our creative juices.
We will use painting as a way to explore the self, to experience inner adventures and surprising self-discovery. You will be given the support and stimulation to develop a natural way of painting based directly upon feeling. We paint purely for the process of exploration, not for the result. In doing this, we discover in form and color, a powerful tool for uncovering and removing blocks to our emotional and spiritual expression.
In this small intimate workshop you will:
Discover your own unique creativity
Feel the joy of spontaneous expression
Identify and release judgements
Learn to dissolve creative blocks
Explore your spirit at its source.
Beginners are welcome. You need not have experience, just a thirst to revitalize your creative juices.
Paints, paper and brushes will be supplied.
Please bring an apron and a notebook
Linda Sharpe has worked for many years as an intuitive painter, teacher, designer and published writer. She holds a masters degree in International Relations from the University of Minnesota.
Please contact Linda Sharpe for more information 310-600-6994